How to mentally and physically prepare for a photoshoot

So, you've scheduled your photo shoot and are thinking, "How should I prepare?"

A photo shoot should always be a good experience that makes you feel confident and empowered.

Preparing for a picture shoot involves both physical and mental preparation.

It should be a celebration of who you are, whether it's a shoot for a modelling portfolio, a personal branding project, or simply an experience you wish to gain. Even if it's your first shoot, the process should seem safe and comfortable, and it should move you closer to your goal.

What are your hopes and expectations?

The preparation doesn't begin the night before the shoot, but rather before you schedule it, when you consider what this experience means to you.

It's important to understand not only what you want to do, but also what you can truly get from it. Knowing how to get there is just as important, which means picking the appropriate photographer, the right atmosphere, and the perfect photo-shoot package. Our expectations typically influence how we feel during and after an experience.

Be honest with yourself about what you want and how you feel.

Discuss your feelings and goals with your photographer, hair and makeup artist, or creative director. A team can't magically guess how you feel unless you're willing to express yourself, no matter how experienced they are.

Being transparent fosters a bond between all parties involved, providing a safe environment in which you can be creative while respecting each other's boundaries.

Check to see if you’ve communicated:

What kinds of shots, postures, and lighting do you want? Are you looking for specific objects or colours for your backdrop? Displaying photographs that inspire you to your creative team can go a long way!

Any particular requests, such as having your weight edited or having scars or freckles removed, should be discussed with your photographer.

When you don't want particular traits or imperfections fixed, you can do the same thing. Rather than making you look like a completely different person, a competent photographer will merely subtly enhance your appearance with little retouching.

Consider how many different looks and styles you'd want to have captured when preparing for your photo shoot.

If you have favourite poses and styles, practise them in front of the mirror while wearing the outfits you'll be wearing for the session. Try on your garments as soon as possible at the studio.

Of course, the photographer will assist you through the session and offer suggestions or create a completely new perspective for you, but if you have any ideas, bring them with you!

Put yourself in the right state of mind.


Keep in mind that you are just doing this for yourself.

A photo shoot is a ritual that helps you gain confidence and empower yourself. You're praising yourself and shifting the tone of your connection with yourself. Don't be hesitant to try giving yourself compliments by looking in the mirror. You are attractive and strong, and you are claiming your power during this process. The more you do it, the more you will shift your inner dialogue and learn to love your natural energy and characteristics.

It's also vital to look after your mental health and get enough rest. If you're hurrying to fit everything in, your photo shoot will be yet another stressful experience. Recharge your batteries and set aside some time before the experience to look after your physical well-being, whatever that looks like for you.

Looking your best

If you're ready to capture your true essence in all of its authenticity, remember that beauty comes in many shapes and sizes, and all that matters is that you're comfortable in your own skin!

If you want to go above and beyond on that specific day, you can adopt some healthy behaviours and check all the items on the checklist below:

The best way to prepare for your photo shoot is to adopt a healthy lifestyle in the weeks preceding up to your appointment. Even a 10-minute workout every day, paired with a healthy diet, will improve your complexion and reduce bloating.

Drinking roughly 2 litres of water each day and cutting back on coffee and alcohol will not only improve your appearance but also your health.

To avoid breakouts before your shoot, stick to a moisturiser and don't switch products.

Regular exfoliation in the days preceding up to the shoot is recommended, although a two-day respite is recommended to avoid dry or red spots. Applying a sheet mask the night before is a fantastic way to prepare your skin.

Some extra boxes to tick:

When you're getting ready for your photo shoot, don't forget about body hair removal. Allow at least two days for your skin to heal after shaving or waxing.

Because freshly washed hair is more difficult to style, it's recommended to do it the night before. If you want to get a hair trim or change your hair colour before the shoot, do it at least four days ahead of time to give your hair time to settle in. Focus on moisturising your mane with a deep treatment if you aren't planning any radical modifications or touch-ups to your look.

Take care of your nails and use neutral colours for your manicure and pedicure. Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before and avoid drinking.

It's better to be completely prepared than to be concerned about these issues throughout your session!

What to bring

Choosing clothing that highlight your best characteristics is a crucial element of enhancing your self- esteem. The clothes and accessories you pack are entirely dependent on the type of shoot you're doing, but the most crucial factor is that you're comfortable.

Put together outfits that bring out the best in you, and if you're interested in modelling or boosting your social media involvement, put together classic or trending looks.

Make sure your clothes aren't damaged, ripped, or torn as you prepare for your photo shoot. Unless you're shooting a lingerie shoot, bring seamless underwear.

In the same way, make sure your shoes aren't scuffed, damaged, or discoloured.

Add hats, jackets, scarves, belts, and other easy-to-wear accessories to help you switch up your appearance and have additional options every time you change your clothing. Bring any props you like, such as an instrument, skateboard, fruit, pets etc.

You can bring a friend or family member for moral support if you prefer having a familiar face with you. Last but not least, remember to arrive on time! You only have two hours to shoot if you plan a three-hour session and arrive an hour late. Now sit back, relax, and let yourself be pampered as you discover your most authentic and beautiful self.

After your shoot

You've completed your session and all you can worry about now is how your photographs will turn out; how YOU will look.

If you felt beautiful, comfortable, and empowered to express yourself on that particular day, you will undoubtedly be able to SEE that. However, letting go of control and allowing someone else to catch every aspect can be difficult. Prepare to see someone's perception of who you are on the day you receive your photographs.

Someone else's perspective of you, especially a professional's, may differ significantly from your own, but rest assured that if you properly selected your team, they are looking out for your best interests.

If you've never done a photo session before, this is a crucial point to remember. The other is to remind yourself of what you set out to do with this event in the first place: to capture your true essence.

When it comes to constructing your brand, whether it's for modelling or acting, and even more so when it comes to self-love and acceptance, honesty is essential.

Being vulnerable in front of the camera and allowing someone else to translate your story takes a certain type of bravery.

Enjoy these moments and be proud of what you've accomplished.


How to develop and execute a creative, brand-aligned photoshoot on a budget.